[Pyrex] Pyrex importing question.

Blake Winton bwinton at latte.ca
Mon Nov 15 22:11:34 CET 2004

>>> This leads me to believe that the
>>> "import conduit.ConduitImpl" line is failing, but I
>  >> don't know of any particularly good way to find out
>  >> how or why.
>> Are you importing the Pyrex module in the normal way
>> from Python code (or another Pyrex module), or are you
>> doing something tricky like loading and calling it
>> directly from C code?
> As a side question, if I add debugging printfs to the 
> generated C code, will it be overwritten by pyrex if the timestamp on 
> the generated code is newer than the timestamp on the .pyx?  (Sheesh, it 
> would probably have taken me less time to just try it than to ask.  So I 
> tried it, and yeah, it doesn't re-generate the C-source.)

So I added some printfs (or fprintfs, to be specific) to the code to 
trace the execution, and try to see what was happening.

// This message comes from my initbtest function.

// The next two come from __Pyx_Import.
// "2" is the name of the module I'm trying to import.
PyxImport 2 conduit.ConduitImpl

// "3" is the address of the module after the
// PyObject_CallFunction(__import__, "OOOO",...) call.
// Yeah, it's null.
PyxImport 3 0

// This is in an extra function I added to try and see what the error I
// was getting was.  It turns out it's an import error.
pyerror 1 exceptions.ImportError

// So I added some extra code which said:
// module = PyImport_Import( name );
// But the address of module is still 0/NULL after that, so it looks
// like a problem with the module itself.
PyxImport 4 0
pyerror 1 exceptions.ImportError

Can anyone offer me some source code to print out a stacktrace from 
C-land?  I've got code in there that does it, but it tries to import the 
  format_exception module, which then gives me a SystemError.


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