[Pyrex] Why was "pxd" added to Pyrex?

Edward C. Jones edcjones at erols.com
Thu Oct 28 04:27:58 CEST 2004

Here are three small files:


typedef struct {
    int iVal;
} Example;


cdef extern from "example.h":
    ctypedef struct Example:
        int iVal


cdef class Example:


If I run "pyrexc pyExample.pyx", I get the error message:

.../pyExample.pyx:3:5: 'Example' redeclared

So pyrex grabbed the "pxd" file under the table. This is very unPythonic.
Also very un-C-like.

Another weirdness is in the Landscaping example in the docs:

cimport Shrubbing
import Shrubbing

Large features in a language have large important purposes. What is the
purpose for the "pdx" stuff? Why is it designed the way that it is?

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