[Pyrex] Pythonic wrapping of libxml2

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Tue Sep 28 14:52:03 CEST 2004

vng1 at mac.com wrote:
> Yep.  Wrapping libxml2.  :)

You do realize that libxml2 has already a Python-wrapper included, right?

I want to improve on it as it's very low-level and not very Pythonic. If 
you have the same goal, we may want to join efforts. We could both wrap 
different parts of the API; I've been focusing on the tree API for now, 
and you seem to be interested in XPath. There's an lxml repository, and 
a lxml mailing list, which you may like to join. I will also try to hang 
out at #lxml at freenode on irc.

Here's the svn repository:


and here's the mailing lists:



My goal is to provide Pythonic APIs, in particular handling things like 
memory management and Python-unicode. Proper Python exceptions should 
also be raised in case of errors. I'm not basing my work off the 
auto-generated system that's included with libxml2, useful as it is, as 
I want to raise the level of the API significantly and working more 
directly with the C through Pyrex is about as easy as basing the new 
system on top of the autogenerated code, and more flexible.

> Ok - so my C is worse than rusty - I can barely read C anymore.
> I've got the following signature that I'd like to wrap up - it's a 
> function pointer.
>     174 typedef xmlXPathObjectPtr (*xmlXPathAxisFunc) 
> (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,
>     175                  xmlXPathObjectPtr cur);
> So - how does one wrap such a beastie in Pyrex - or is it even 
> possible?  The only reference I see to fp's and Pyrex are here:
> http://lists.copyleft.no/pipermail/pyrex/2004-March/thread.html#623
> but I'm left pretty confused - most likely because i can't remember what 
> to actually _use_ function pointers for anymore.

I'd need to figure it out too. Come and join me if you like. :)

In python it's so simple that the C level way to do it looks 
spectacularly strange. Basically it allows you to parameterize code with 
logic, not just data. In OO languages you'd often use polymorphism for 
this effect.



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