[Pyrex] Main function for Pyrex: cimport causes segmentation fault

Alain Pointdexter alainpoint at yahoo.fr
Fri Apr 15 11:38:53 CEST 2005

The example i gave contained an empty dishes.pyx
I then tried to to fill it with some useful stuf.
Here are the files:
# dishes.pxd

cdef class Testclass:  
cdef public int someint
cdef public char *somestring

# dishes.pyx

cdef class Testclass:  
def __init__(self):       
self.someint = 43
self.somestring = "this is a string"
def hello(self):       
print "Hello, this is an instance of %s" %

# restaurant.pyx

from dishes cimport Testclass
cdef test_function():
printf("Instantiating Testclass\n")
testobj =Testclass()
printf("testmain: created testobj\n")
print "testobj.someint = %s" % testobj.someint
print "testobj.somestring = %s" % testobj.somestring
print "calling testobj.hello()"

def main(arglist):
return 0
The compilation sequence is the same as in the
previous mail.
Running the application causes a segmentation fault.



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