[Pyrex] Re: [newbie] 3 errors need help

Toby tobia.conforto at linux.it
Tue Dec 20 17:15:00 CET 2005

Why is your variable called __Session__ in one place and ___Session___
(with three underscores) in another?  

Try also  &(self.__Session__)  instead of  &self.__Session__

Second issue: you can't convert a Python string into a C String simply
by doing  <unsigned char *>self.Key  you need to allocate space for the
C string and copy it over, like:

	cdef unsigned char c_key[MAX_SOMETHING]
	c_key = self.Key

Take care to allocate space in a way that's compatible with the expected
longevity of the C string.

I'm a newbie as well, so this could all be wrong :)


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