[Pyrex] Python object in a struct field

Tom Locke tom at livelogix.com
Tue Feb 8 08:21:43 CET 2005


I'm having a go at using Pyrex to port the Logix parser 
(logix.livelogix.com) to C for the speedup. The parser is very heavy on 
function calls so I'm trying to migrate my Python functions to 'cdef' 
functions. Where those functions are methods, I thought I would replace 
the class with a C struct, and use regular C functions as 'methods'

I've immediately hit a problem in that 'object' is not allowed as the 
type of a struct field.

Should I declare the field using the raw PyObject pointer type? Which 
means I'll have to handle reference counting right? (how?)

Or am I making life difficult for myself? Is there a better way to go 
about this? I know I could keep the Python class and just use cdef 
functions, but I'd like to do away with Python's expensive attribute 
access too.



p.s. apologies if this is covered in some docs somewhere. I haven't been 
able to track down much in the way of docs. e.g. from googling around I 
notice there is a 'cdef class', but I can't see it documented anywhere. 
Did I miss something, or is it just a case of keep-up-with-the-mailing-list?

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