[Pyrex] Python 2.4 & Pyrex Compatibility Update

Grant McDonald gmcdonald at infocomp.com
Thu Jul 21 02:02:26 CEST 2005


I don't have any problems using the following setup.py with python 2.4.1:

# setup.py
import distutils
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import os,sys

os.system("python C:\Python24\Scripts\pyrexc.py vm8.pyx")

setup(name = "Version Manager 8 DTK Interface",
        version = "2.0",
        ext_modules = [Extension("vm8", ["vm8.c", "callback.c"],
                                 libraries=["vmwfdtk", "cbwf51", "cbwfchk",
                                            "kernel32", "user32", "gdi32",
# --- microsoft libraries
                                            "winspool", "comdlg32",
                                            "shell32", "ole32", "oleaut32",
                                            "uuid", "odbc32", "odbccp32"])])

Can you send the setup.py that is giving you a problem?


Grant M.
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