[Pyrex] Allocating an array.array of a specific length in pyrex

Adam Langley alangley at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 20:16:47 CEST 2005

On 6/8/05, Chris Lambacher <lambacck at gmail.com> wrote:
> My question is, is there a better way to
> allocate the memory for the array.array object than:
>       a = array.array('B', [0] * (pixels * 2))

cdef unsigned char *buffer
temp_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, length)
buffer = <unsigned char *> PyString_AsString(temp_string)

That's one way to do it. But it looks like you just want an area of
memory so why not:

cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
  ctypedef unsigned long size_t
  void *malloc(size_t size)
  void free(void *mem)



Adam Langley                                      agl at imperialviolet.org
http://www.imperialviolet.org                       (+44) (0)7906 332512
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