[Pyrex] Please support C++

David McNab david at rebirthing.co.nz
Sat Oct 8 05:30:21 CEST 2005

Hi Greg et al,

Unless things have been happening quietly, the issue of C++ support for
Pyrex unfortunately seems to have slipped between the cracks.

I'm writing to ask if there might be any conceivable way to persuade
you, Greg, and any other Pyrex devs to seriously consider bumping C++
support a bit higher onto the Pyrex TODO list.

Wouldn't need too much fancy stuff - really just wanting the basics:
 - instantiating 3rd party classes
 - accessing methods/attribs on 3rd party objects
 - overriding C++ methods in python/pyrex
 - raising and catching C++ exceptions

At present, unless one is willing to face the brain-pain of SWIG or
Boost, the only ways to interface Python to C++ are:
 1. hand-code a wrapper as a python extension type, or
 2. write a C shim atop the C++ interface, then interface to this
    in Pyrex

So how about it, guys?


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