[Pyrex] How to use C functions in many Pyrex files?

Tomasz Primke tprimke at interia.pl
Wed Apr 5 16:34:09 CEST 2006

Let's assume, that I have a "C" function in a Pyrex file, that I want to use 
in other Pyrex files.

--- p1.pyx file ---
cdef void C_function( int i ):
  print "i =", i

What have I to do to access the C_function from another Pyrex file? I have 
read the "Sharing Declarations Between Pyrex Modules" - but, as far as I 
understand this document, the C_function is not a "C type declaration", nor 
an "extern C function" (or variable), nor an "extension type" (its 
definition part, to be precise). So can it be used in another Pyrex file or 

Best regards,


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