[Pyrex] Re: ANN: Pyrex 0.9.4 - LValue Casts are Dead!

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Apr 19 03:48:11 CEST 2006

At 01:31 PM 4/19/2006 +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
>Robert Kern wrote:
>>It does change "python setup.py install".
>>I have a script that imports setuptools and then execs the given setup.py.
>How about if I provide an alternative version
>of setup.py for use with setuptools?

It shouldn't really be necessary; people who want to force use of 
setuptools should just use:

    python -c "import setuptools; execfile('setup.py')" setup-commands-here

as documented in the setuptools manual.  Just add a PyPI listing that lists 
the Pyrex home page as the package's home page, and that's all people need 
in order to be able to easy_install it.

If they want to do stuff with the source, the --editable option to 
easy_install will download and unpack it to a directory where they can then 
run any special setup commands if they need to.

There isn't really any benefit to creating a separate setup.py, or to 
including setuptools if you don't need it yourself.  You'll just be wasting 
all those weeks and months I spent making it backward-compatible with 
existing distutils-based setup scripts.  ;)

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