[Pyrex] ANN: Pyrex 0.9.4 - LValue Casts are Dead!

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Apr 20 11:50:29 CEST 2006

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

> When will an external C++ declaration ever be needed? Writing an 
> include file when one is missing for a C++ library will likely be 
> necessary anyways since class declarations are not possible with 
> Pyrex.

To give you a sneak preview of what I have in mind:

   cdef char *silly()   # This function uses "extern C" linkage

   cdef+ char *walk()   # This function uses C++ linkage

   cdef+ struct Foo:    # This is a C++ struct/class
     int spam
     virtual void grail(char *nun)  #  ...and consequently can have methods

Generally, anything C++ will be declared with cdef+,
and anything C will be declared with cdef. In the
interests of simplicity and consistency, I would like
to retain this rule even inside cdef extern from
(or cdef+ extern from, for C++ header files).

While you might get away with using cdef instead of
cdef+ for some things in an external header, this will
not be supported and will officially be regarded as


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