[Pyrex] Getting address of ob_type

Nicholas Riley njriley at uiuc.edu
Fri Dec 29 17:37:39 UTC 2006


I'm attempting to get the address of the ob_type field of a Python  
object from Pyrex.  I tried the following:

cdef extern from "object.h":
     ctypedef struct PyTypeObject:
         char *tp_name
     ctypedef class __builtin__.object [object PyObject]:
         cdef PyTypeObject *ob_type

cdef unsigned long type_addr(object object_):
     return <unsigned long>&object_.ob_type

but I get back:
/home/dcsfiles/njriley/Python/UFO/pyUFO.pyx:215:26: Cannot take  
address of Python variable

I've done something similar with a dict object, but I think the  
problem is that "object" in the cdef is being interpreted as a  
generic Python object (which it is, but...).  I also tried:

     ctypedef class __builtin__.object as obj [object PyObject]:


    ctypedef class __builtin__.object [object PyObject] as obj:

which look like they should fix it, but they don't work at all.

Any ideas on how I can do this?


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