[Pyrex] Pyrex v Psyco
Philip Smith
philipasmith at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jun 18 22:59:01 UTC 2006
First of all thanks to Greg for Pyrex (which I have come to very recently and which will certainly make wrapping libraries easier)
I've been looking for an alternative to Psyco for distributing Python apps to other platforms than Win32 - however (while not being in general a 'speed' junkie) I don't want to sacrifice performance.
I've been trying Pyrex out on a small text search programme which uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm and which I have adapted to search for all occurrences of a string in the given text.
With algorithmic improvements I managed something like a 10 fold increase in speed performance and Psyco gives me another 10 fold increase. I've read all the tips and tricks re: Pyrex I can find and tried to implement them but I can't seem to replicate the performance enhancement over Psyco which the Pyrex test suite demonstrates - in fact Psyco wins hands down every time.
Am I (as a newcomer) doing soething obviously wrong or is there something about this code that means one wouldn't expect particularly fast execution???
This is my pyx file:
cdef extern from "Python.h":
cdef object PySequence_GetItem(object o, int i)
cdef int PyList_Append(object list, object item)
#cdef object PySequence_GetSlice(object o, int i1, int i2)
cdef int PyList_SET_ITEM(object PyList, int idx, object obj) except -1
cdef void *PyList_GET_ITEM(object PyList, int idx) # except NULL
cdef void Py_INCREF(void *)
cdef int PySequence_Size(object o)
ctypedef struct PyObject
cdef int setListItem(object PyList, int idx, object obj) except -1:
Py_INCREF(<PyObject *>obj)
PyList_SET_ITEM(PyList, idx, obj)
cdef object getListItem(object PyList, int idx):
return <object>PyList_GET_ITEM(PyList, idx)
def findall(pattern, text): #adapted to find all occurences of pattern in text
cdef int m,j
cdef long n,k,i
m=len(pattern) #once only
n=len(text) #once only
skip=[] #once only
for k from 0<=k<256:
#for k in range(256):
#skip.append(m) #once only
for k from 0<=k<m-1:
#for k in range(m-1):
#skip[ord(pattern[k])]=m-k-1 #once only
result=[] #once only
while True:
if m>n: #if pattern is longer than (remaining) text
return result #can't match more so return matches found
k=m-1 #need to reset each time - k is offset into text
while k<n:
j=m-1 #j is offset to last char of pattern
i=k #i offset into text where backward search commences
while j >= 0 and PySequence_GetItem(text,i) == PySequence_GetItem(pattern,j):
#while j>=0 and text[i]==pattern[j]: #keep matching chars backwards
if j==-1: #whole pattern was matched
#result.append(i+1) #save the location of this match
n=n-k #update n to number of chars remaining in text
return result
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