[Pyrex] [Cython-dev] Segmentation Fault with -O0

Samuele Kaplun Samuele.Kaplun at cern.ch
Wed Aug 15 17:30:18 CEST 2007

Dear Stefan

In data giovedì 09 agosto 2007, Samuele Kaplun scribacchiaste dette parole:
> Herm, readingly carefully I see Py_ssize_t!
> Let's see, then.
> Best regards,
> 	Samuele

I've just discovered that I was right in saying that in the docs I red int. In 
fact the buffer interface use int in Python 2.3, 2.4, and Py_ssize_t in 
Python 2.5
I wonder if there's a macro or a recipe to make everything happy with Pyrex. 
Otherwise do you think that it's possible to build a .pyx that is aware of 
the Python version?
Best regards,


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