[Pyrex] Subclassing numpy.ndarray with Pyrex

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 20:43:23 UTC 2007

> Urk, this doesn't bode well for being able to subclass
> ndarray in Pyrex. If the normal instance creation
> mechanisms are bypassed, various things that Pyrex
> relies on won't happen, such as initialisation of
> Python-valued attributes.

Indeed. Well, thanks anyway

> Do you really need to subclass ndarray? Could you
> get what you want using a different class that
> wraps an ndarray instead?

Oh, I tried creating objects in Pyrex that use ndarrays as attributes, and 
that works pretty well indeed. However, numpy does not recognize them as 
arrays. Functions using the numpy.asanyarray trick would transform them in 
basic ndarrays, thus ripping off any specific attributes.
The more it goes, the less comfortable I am with direct subclassing of 
ndarrays anyway...

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