[Pyrex] [PATCH] public C-API and Py_ssize_t support for

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Feb 15 01:12:59 UTC 2007

Stefan Behnel wrote:

> How would you know from the cimported .pxd that it describes a public C-API in
> Pyrex style? i.e., how would Pyrex's magic be triggered?

There's currently no other way of exporting a C function from
one Pyrex module to another, so any functions declared in the
.pxd file must be using this export mechanism. Thus when you
cimport the module, Pyrex knows exactly what is being exported
and how, and can do whatever is needed.

That's the theory, anyway -- I'll need to examine your patch
to sort out the details.


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