[Pyrex] [PATCH] public C-API and Py_ssize_t support for

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Feb 15 01:28:13 UTC 2007

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

> Personally I do not like using function prototypes in the above 
> suggestion. IMHO the need to specify a function's formal arguments more 
> than once is unpythonic.

However, it's more or less necessary given that C is
statically typed.

It's been suggested that the .pxd file could be done
away with and just have one definition in the .pyx file.
But I'd prefer not to do that, because the .pxd file is
useful for dependency tracking -- if you change the .pxd
file, the interface may have changed, so you should
recompile all the .pyx files that cimport it.

With interface and implementation in one file, there's
nothing convenient to point a makefile or other dependency
tracker at.


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