[Pyrex] Specifying the location(s) of include files

grahamc001uk grahamc001uk at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 21 02:11:11 UTC 2007

Thanks for the answers to my cimport question a couple of days ago.

I have now decided to move some of my program's include files (interface.h and interface.pxd) to a different directory from the program that is using them.

I find if I specify the alternate directory on the command line, e.g.:
  python Setup.py build_ext --inplace --include-dirs=c:\development\interface
everything compiles OK.

However, if instead, I specify the alternate directory in the Setup.py file with the line:
The directory name is passed to the C compiler but it is not passed to the Pyrex compiler, so I get an error message when compiling like:
C:\development\test\test_01.pyx:15:0: 'interface.pxd' not found

Is there a different option for specifying to the Pyrex compiler the locations to search for .pxd files when using the 'build_ext' class (as in the Setup.py example) ?

I am running the v0.9.5.1a release on a Windows machine.


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