[Pyrex] enums in C++ classes

Ravi Lanka ravi_lanka at acusim.com
Wed Jan 10 01:04:58 UTC 2007


    I am using pyrex to write a wrapper to a C++ library.  class A given 
here is a representative class of one of the classes I have in the C++ 
library.  It has an enum declared inside the class and one of the 
methods takes this enum as an argument. I am not exactly sure how to 
wrap this enum and use it from the python module.
I have included the code below that works fine and now I want to wrap 
the "set" method.

please advise.

code from a.h and a.cpp:
class A {
       A(): { value = 0;}
       typedef enum some_enum { zero, one, two, three };
       void get() { return value;}
       void set( some_enum eval, int i ) { value = i*eval ; }
       int value;

    cdef extern from "a.h":
        ctypedef struct  A "A":
            int (*get) ()
            #void (*set)(some_enum val, int i)
        A* AFactory "new A"()
        void deleteA "delete  " (void *o)

    cdef class AWrapper:
        def __new__( self ):
            cdef A *first
            cdef int i
            first = AFactory()
            print first.get()

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