[Pyrex] SageX merged back to Pyrex?

William Stein wstein at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 07:41:22 CEST 2007

On 7/24/07, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> skip at pobox.com wrote:
> > What are the plans (if any) to merge the SageX enhancements back into Pyrex
> > proper?
> I agree with the general idea of having a Pyrex module
> able to export C functions, but I haven't had time yet
> to study the Sage modifications in detail to see whether
> its approach is sufficiently compatible with what I
> already have in mind to be able to incorporate any code
> from it.

Actually SageX doesn't have any ability to export C functions
yet; that's something that is in lxml-Pyrex.  It's something
I would like to incorporate in Pyrex though.

The main things SageX adds are:

    * list comprehensions
    * lots of nontrivial optimizations
    * better support for introspection and docstrings
    * much better support (in my opinion) for module imports

Most of the above work was done by my grad student, Robert Bradshaw.

 -- william

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