[Pyrex] [Mac Inter Core Duo OS 10.4.9 ] Next question: cmd line build of init

Francesc Altet faltet at carabos.com
Thu Jun 7 08:17:21 UTC 2007

El dj 07 de 06 del 2007 a les 00:19 -0700, en/na David Goldsmith va
> I'm compiling w/ cc and linking w/ ld (at first I was trying to compile 
> w/ gcc, but while I was having problems, I found a book "Advanced OS X 
> Programming" or some such and their examples used cc and ld so I 
> switched to that).

Can you send us the concrete sequence that you are using in order to get
your dynamic library (the .so file)?

Also, attach the .c that Pyrex is creating from your .pyx.

>   Are you implying that I should I be using MinGW, or 
> wondering if I am cause that would be the basis of the problem?  Is 
> MinGW even an option on the Mac?  (For some reason I have it in my head 
> that that's a Windows thing...)

Don't worry about this. MinGW is just GCC for Windows users, and you are
using Mac.


Francesc Altet    |  Be careful about using the following code --
Carabos Coop. V.  |  I've only proven that it works, 
www.carabos.com   |  I haven't tested it. -- Donald Knuth

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