[Pyrex] Pyrex.distutils and fortran

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 19:39:44 UTC 2007

As the code I've been bugging you with seems to work but for a couple of 
details, I'm now trying to have it automatically compiled w/ distutils.

The pb I'm having right now is that Pyrex.Distutils chokes on the fortran 
files I need to compile along. How could I solve that ? Is there an option to 
specify the compiler to use ? 

As a bonus question: on top of the fortran files, I need access to lapack. The 
setup.py I tried so far were: 
- one inspired from numpy/doc/pyrex 
- one inspired from numpy/random. This one tries to use f2py to process my 
fortran files, which of course doesn't work.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.

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