[Pyrex] Source Control System

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Oct 13 12:36:30 CEST 2007

Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> Greg, correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt you want the burden of  
> maintaining a central server

That's correct.

 > Being able to pass changes back and forth will be mutually
> beneficial, especially for things like bugfixes.

I think perhaps you're overestimating the amount of automation
that will be possible in that area. When I incorporate people's
patches, there's nothing automatic about the process at all.
I don't really "apply" the patch, I study it to find out
what's been done, and then re-implement the same ideas --
often using quite different code. This goes for small things
like bug fixes as well as larger ones.

 > For example, with mercurial,
> type "hg init" and you now have a  repository in your working directory 
> (with the history and comments  stored in an (invisible) .hg file).

I'm not keen on invisible files, generally. They don't show
up at all in the Finder, for one thing, so it's easy to forget
they're there an lose them when dragging stuff from one place
to another.

Incidentally, one of the things that bothers me about svn is
the necessity to be scrupulously careful about using the svn
commands to move and rename files, etc, instead of the normal
OS ones, which also rules out any use of the Finder for these

> You 
> can back it up by simply  dragging the whole folder onto your zip drive 

Although if the entire history is kept in the working directory,
it sounds like the amount to be backed up every day will grow
larger and larger over time, which doesn't sound so good.

However, it sounds like mercurial could be interesting, so I'll
look into it.


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