[Pyrex] C-API implementation in Pyrex 0.9.6

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Oct 13 13:41:46 CEST 2007

All right, here's how I would arrange the declarations you
presented in your example. The code below passes both
Pyrex and C compilation for me, and the generated .h files
contain only opaque definitions of struct xmlDoc and
struct xmlNode.

# tree.pxd

cdef struct xmlDoc
cdef struct xmlNode

# tree.pyx

cdef struct xmlDoc:
   int foo

cdef struct xmlNode:
   int blarg

# etree.pxd

cimport tree

cdef class _BaseParser

cdef public class _Document [type LxmlDocumentType, object LxmlDocument]:
   cdef tree.xmlDoc *_c_doc
   cdef _BaseParser _parser

cdef public class _Element [type LxmlElementType, object LxmlElement]:
   cdef _Document _doc
   cdef tree.xmlNode *_c_node

cdef object getAttributeValue(_Element element, key, default)

# etree.pyx

cdef public class _Document [type LxmlDocumentType, object LxmlDocument]:

cdef public class _Element [type LxmlElementType, object LxmlElement]:

cdef class _BaseParser:

# To use the following function from C as well, add "api"

cdef object getAttributeValue(_Element element, key, default):

# use_etree.pyx - to show that cimporting from etree.pxd works

from etree cimport _Document, _Element, getAttributeValue

doc = _Document()
elem = _Element()
getAttributeValue(elem, "zax", "ftang")



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