[Pyrex] cimport: include path and standard headers

David McNab david at rebirthing.co.nz
Sun Sep 30 22:36:59 CEST 2007


I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to update the cimport mechanism
so that it searches an additional directory such
as /usr/share/pyrex/include (or on windows, something like c:\Python2.x

This would allow for Pyrex to be distributed with a set of handy
headers, such as 'Python.pxd', 'string.pxd', 'stdio.pxd' etc.

As I hand-write a lot of 'cdef extern from...' blocks, I'm wondering if
we've got dozens of other folks doing the same. It makes about as much
sense as the world of C developers all writing their own version of
stdio.h, or Python developers all writing their own versions of 'sys',
'os' etc.


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