[Pyrex] C++ issue

Ravi Lanka ravi_lanka at acusim.com
Mon Apr 28 18:26:03 CEST 2008

Pyrex gurus,

  I am trying to wrap a C++ library and have been successful for the 
most part (thanks to you guys).  One of the classes that I need to wrap 
does not contain a default constructor (see code below ).  The cpp file 
that gets created complains that "foo" does not contain a default 
constructor [ cdef foo f  is invalid ].  At the same time, I cannot say 
"cdef foo f = b.getFoo()". My solution was to build the cpp file from 
the pyrex code below and then create a line that says;

cdef foo f = b.getFoo() instead of  "f = b.getFoo",

and remove the initial declaration.  It works for what I am doing, but I 
am afraid that there could be some reference count issues.  
Unfortunately, the argument required by the constructor of foo class is 
neither required nor available in my wrapper code.

Any Ideas ?
thanks in advance.


class foo {
        foo( templatedClassObject  unAvailable );
        int (*getItems) { return 1; }

class bar {
        foo& getFoo() { return fooObj; }


cdef extern from "foo.h":
    ctypedef struct foo "foo":
        int (*getItems)()

cdef extern from "bar.h":
    ctypedef struct bar "bar":
        foo (*getFoo)()

    bar *barFactory "new bar"()
    void deleteBar "delete "(bar *barObj)

def test():
    cdef    bar   b
    cdef    foo   f
    ### b is populated through some calculations here
    f = b.getFoo()

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