[Pyrex] Two questions.

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri Aug 8 01:06:09 CEST 2008

Martin Field wrote:

> 1. I am trying to install a Python/Pyrex/C program that I have written 
> on a 64-bit Linux
>     (Gentoo) machine and am having a lot of problems with segmentation 
> faults. ... Any pointers 
> (if any) on what to do
>     in making the 32->64 bit transition would be appreciated.

The only general advice I can think of is to make sure
you're using Py_ssize_t where appropriate.

Can you narrow down where the problem is occurring, and
post some code?

> 2. Naively I expect that there have been 
> quite a few changes
>     in the C API between 2.5 and 3 so that Pyrex will have to be updated 
> as well.

Yes, there are a lot of changes, mostly concerned with
the str/bytes split.

I've made no attempt to get Pyrex to work with Py3 yet,
but Cython reportedly does, so you may need to use that


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