[Pyrex] Pyrex exception reraise behavior

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Aug 17 02:35:50 CEST 2008

Stefan Behnel wrote:

> Greg Ewing wrote:
> > What
> > you appear to be seeing is a leaking of the
> > sys.exc_info() outside the scope where it would
> > normally be available in Python.
> Especially in Py3, where sys.exc_info() is reset when leaving the except block
> that caught the exception.

But again, does this actually cause any problem? Is anyone
likely to be looking at the result of sys.exc_info() and
relying on it being empty when not handling an exception?

As far as Pyrex is concerned, I'm not all that worried
if it doesn't behave exactly the same as Python in all the
corner cases, as long as it does something reasonable.

I can understand, however, that the goals for Cython
may be different.


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