[Pyrex] Efficient array creation

Robert Bradshaw robertwb at math.washington.edu
Sat Jun 28 03:04:08 CEST 2008

On Jun 27, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Brad Schick wrote:

> Is there an efficient way to create python array instances in pyrex  
> code? I use python arrays to return data fairly often, but the  
> resulting C code is fairly involved.

For a fixed size array, [item1, item2, ...] is about as efficient as  
you get. In Cython (and I believe in Pyrex too, though I'm not sure)  
the append method is translated into the correct C call, and in  
Cython one can do list comprehension as well, e.g. if you have a C  
array of ints, then [arr[i] for i from 0 <= i < n] will turn it into  
a Python list.

- Robert

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