[Pyrex] array setting and math function annoyance

Arc Riley arcriley at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 09:14:37 CET 2008

> > It's also consistent with Python that classes, such as those in
> > Cython.Compiler, can have their methods overridden through class
> > inheritance.
> That's a good idea, we should totally allow that for the next release. ;)

Which is when, if you're being serious?

I ask because we arrived at the conclusion that it'd be much easier to
branch Cython with the changes we need rather than inherit and override.
We're discussion now how we're going to tackle this, and there's a pretty
clear consensus that we want to finish this for the next release for later
this month, one way or another.

Whether you guys plan Cython to continue insisting projects using it to have
a similar structure as Sage directly impacts this discussion.

Depends on how you do it. Do you use distutils or call Cython by hand?

We're not using Cython right now, until a workaround or alternative is setup
it's not an option.

We are currently "from Pyrex.Compiler import Main" which runs through
roughly 100 lines of code to detect whether any source files have been
modified since the .c file for it was last generated (and regenerating
dependencies when a .pxd is modified), along with some OS-specific code
handling library name conversions and OSX frameworks.

BTW, "a few pesky bugs" was referring to your code and build setup, not
> Cython, right?

Consider that one man's feature is another man's bug.

Our source layout is setup to make development easier

Our Python API design is to make coding with it simpler

Having to compromise one or both in order to use Cython is a bug to us.  If
I had my way, the Distutils would handle these source files the same way it
handles .c source files - specifying which sources need to be linked each
extension.  Our current method of .pyx files filled with include statements
for .pxi files in the same directory is a workaround for Pyrex's lack of
this functionality.

No hostility intended, just expressing viewpoint.
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