[Pyrex] array setting and math function annoyance

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Mar 17 09:48:17 CET 2008

Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Distutils is the right place to build stuff,
> users shouldn't have to run things like a compiler outside of distutils.

It could be called from within setup.py, so that
users would still be able to just do 'setup.py install'
or whatever. It just wouldn't be patched into the
guts of distutils.

> I would consider a weakness of distutils to be a reason to fix distutils,
> rather than a reason not to use it.

I *will* be using distutils, for what it's currently
good at, i.e. knowing all the arcane details of how
to compile and link C files into extensions on every
possible platform.

It's not currently good at being extensible to handle
things that weren't dreamed of in its philosophy.
While I would like to fix that someday, it would require
a seriously major overhaul, bordering on total
replacement, and I'm not up for that just at the moment.


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