[Pyrex] Handling bytes

Brad Schick schickb at gmail.com
Thu May 8 18:26:12 CEST 2008

On 5/8/2008 12:05 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> BTW, work has started in Cython to generate code for Py3. It's still a long
> way, but at least we're getting closer. :)

That's great, thanks.

>> It just seems
>> so ugly in what is otherwise a fairly clean language. Particularly when
>> the data sometimes starts life as a list. How do you go about stuffing
>> 'bytes' into a string? With arrays as below? Or with cStringIO? Yuck and
>> yuck ;)
> Sure, why not? You can also create an empty string and fill it yourself:
>    cdef int i
>    cdef char* s
>    py_s = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, len(data))
>    s = py_s
>    for i in range(len(data)):
>        s[i] = l[i]

I meant in python code. In other words, the code calling into the pyrex 
module that will need to cram everything into strings. That's fine if it 
the data starts in a string or file, but its pretty ugly and inefficient 
if it starts in some other sequence like a list.


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