[Pyrex] ANN: Pyrex 0.9.7

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat May 10 14:34:43 CEST 2008


Brian Blais wrote:
> In python, I am used to syntax:
> for var in stuff:
> where my eye finds "var" and then "stuff", so I first find out the
> relevant variable, and then the values it will take.
> in old pyrex syntax,
> for var in begin<= var < end:
> my eye finds "var" and then "begin" and "end", so I first find out the
> relevant variable, and then the values it will take.

Actually, in the old Pyrex syntax, it was

   for var *from* begin <= var < end:

but since now we have

>  for begin <= var < end:

would it be that bad to always use

    for var in ...

instead and just distinguish between

    for var in something:


    for var in begin <= var < end:


Then again, there even is a switch in Cython that allows you to convert

    for var in range(begin, end):


    for var in begin <= var < end:

so maybe the whole discussion is somewhat pointless anyway. I don't quite see
why we shouldn't just always convert

    for var in range(begin, end):


    for var in begin <= var < end:

*iff* var is cdef-ed as a C integer type. According to Robert, there's a
difference if the loop overflows, but that case is almost certainly a
programming error when var is a C type, and there is no such thing as Python
compatibility for C variables anyway.



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