[Pyrex] How to handle C functions with variable number of args

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Nov 20 01:18:28 CET 2008

Dog Walker wrote:

> cdef extern int xosd_display(xosd * osd, int line, xosd_command
> command, ...) except -1
>     def displaytext(self, line, command,  *arg):
>          #and then call the xosd_display function declared above

There is no support in Pyrex for passing on a *args
argument to a C varargs function. Although the concepts
are vaguely similar, they're really very different things.

You'll have to iterate over the *args, inspect their
types and make an appropriate series of single-arg calls
to get the effect you want.

> Where is handling C varargs in Pyrex documented, btw?

Apparently it's not documented anywhere. :-( But there's
not really much to say -- you can declare an external
function as taking varargs, and you can call it with some
number of arguments fixed at the point of call. That's
about all.


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