[Pyrex] Regression with and above

KS Sreeram sreeram at tachyontech.net
Sun Apr 5 07:26:58 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I noticed errors when building ncrypt (http://tachyon.in/ncrypt) with a 
recent version of Pyrex. After some testing, I've narrowed it down to a 
simple example.

Basically if a .pyx file contains a cdef'd class which is not present in 
the corresponding .pxd file, then the module fails to compile. This 
results in a error only with versions and above. This doesn't 
cause a problem when compiling with

I've attached testpyrex.pxd and testpyrex.pyx which demonstrate the issue.

Is this an intentional change? or is it just a bug?

For now, I've reverted back to using

KS Sreeram
Founder, Tachyon Technologies

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