[Pyrex] possible bug in Pyrex

Péter Szabó ptspts+pyrex at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 21:26:06 CET 2010


I think I've found a bug in Pyrex (or some other part of my Python
installation) which causes the Python 2.6 interpreter segfault (or
abort) in some cases. It is 100% reproducible on my machine. See
for instructions how to reproduce it. (You can download the rest of
the files by clicking on the ``excbug'' link.) The bug doesn't seem to
happen with Cython.

FYI here is the code in my .pyx file:

def iowrap(f):
    return f()
  except IOError, e:
    return e

All other code is pure Python. I'm using the socket module and
Python2.6's ssl module.

Can you reproduce the bug in your local machine?



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