[Pyrex] Pyrex on Win7-64

Lynn Oliver raycores at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 01:01:59 CEST 2012

I'm using Pyrex to build PyPortMidi.  I was able to get it to work on OS X 10.7.3; on win32 (Windows XP) I didn't manage to get Pyrex to work, but I was able to get the PyPortMidi library built by copying in the output (pypm.c) from OS X.  That didn't work on win64 (Windows 7).

Working on win64, I tried two different ways to install Pyrex-0.9.9: 
Downloaded Pyrex-0.9.9.win32.exe and ran it.
Downloaded Pyrex-0.9.9.zip, unpacked it and ran "python setup.py install"  
With either installation, when I try to build PyPortMidi I get the same error:

pyrexc pypm.pyx --> pypm.c
C:\Users\Lynn Oliver\Desktop\pyPortMidi\pypm.pyx:357:21: Type 'PmError' not acceptable as a boolean
building 'pypm' extension
C:\Python27\Scripts\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall -DMS_WIN64 -IC:\Python27\include -IC:\Python27\PC -c pypm.c -o bu
pypm.c:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Pyrex compilation.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

This error didn't occur on OS X.  I'm not a C  programmer so it's not clear to me what caused the error; here is the declaration for PmError:  

    ctypedef enum PmError:
        pmNoError = 0,
        pmHostError = -10000,
        pmInvalidDeviceId, #/* out of range or output device when input is requested or vice versa */
        pmBadData, #/* illegal midi data, e.g. missing EOX */
        pmBufferMaxSize, #/* buffer is already as large as it can be */

And here is the section of code where the error was flagged, I think...:

        cdef PmEvent buffer[1]
        cdef PmError err
        Pm_SetFilter(self.midi, filters)
        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
 357    while(Pm_Poll(self.midi)):
            err = Pm_Read(self.midi,buffer,1)
            if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)

The error was generated at: ExprNodes.py:590
Here are some of the local variables at the point the error was posted:

self.pos		('c:\\Users\\Lynn Oliver\\Desktop\\pyPortMidi\\pypm.pyx', 357, 21)

type.__doc__		None
type.__module__		'Pyrex.Compiler.PyrexTypes'
type.cname		'PmError'
type.from_py_function	'PyInt_AsLong'
type.is_enum		1
type.name		'PmError'
type.rank		-1
type.signed		1
type.to_py_function	'PyInt_FromLong'
type.typedef_flagis	1
type.values		[]
self.pos		('c:\\Users\\Lynn Oliver\\Desktop\\pyPortMidi\\pypm.pyx', 357, 21)
type.is_int		0
type.is_error		0

Can anyone suggest what I need to do to get this working?


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