[saih-promo2002] estefana The CXTI St0ck Trading Gunslinger unfix
estefana Zito
gcttpb at digitallaundre.com
Mon Dec 27 12:21:49 CET 2004
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 05:27:57 -0600
Hello members we would like to make an immediate advisement
on CXTI it closed at 1.15 today and will climb very high
very fast. This is a great company the only foreign public
company in China in this industry. It is also being promoted
and can easily obtain over 2.50 very quick this is our
biggest alert all year, consider it a christmas
present and get it immediately for great gains. Don't
miss this one, it is a real winner! Big Promotions all
week coming for this one. 985)}726L6QnnQxf5939nwJ674f1B3wm6
Ticker: CXTI
current-price : 1.15
10-days-target-price - 3.25
3-Months-target-price- 5.50
China Expert Technology CXTI $0.98-1.04. This
is one of the most undervalued, profitable stocks in
the small cap area. When the investment public learns
of the company's story, there should be a substantial
rise in the company's share price. China Expert Technology,
Inc. CXTI is a leading China and Hong Kong based
IT network and infrastructure company that provides
large-scale network infrastructure construction (mainly
e-government network infrastructure), business appraisal
services for information technology companies in China
(apart from government authorities, China Expert is the
ONLY foreign own corporation to obtain such authority in
China) and business consultancy services for communities
and municipal governments in China.
This one can return 250 to 500% easily, do not miss out
on it, get it immediately. Be sure to tell your friends
and associates about it as well. This baby has no place
to go but up and can generate record earnings, Get CXTI !
enzyme Ple ase be advised that noth ing within this email
shall cons titute a solicitation or an offer to buy or
sell any security mentioned herein. This newsletter is
neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated
with any broker or dealer. All statements made are our
express opinion only and should be treated as such. We
may own, buy and sell any sec urities mentioned at any
time. This report includes fo rward- looking sta tements
within the meaning of T he Priv ate Securit ies Lit igation
Reform Act of 1995. This newsl etter was paid 15 500 from
thi rd part y to send this report. You may lose money from
inves ting in Pe nny St ocks. tycoon prolegomena cutlery
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