[saih-promo2002] 0ffer B.P s.erver - 213080

Anno adserviceq at 1488.com
Tue Mar 28 12:33:49 CEST 2006

Dear  saih-promo2002 at lists.copyleft.no:

We provide server for direct sending emaiIs:

Fresh 1Ps
1024 M RAM
Pentium  3.60GHz
80G  Hard  Disk
Unlimited.  Transfer
Price:  US$600/mo

We also can provide emails as your requirements, and 
mail out  your message for you. 

For more information:    Supporea at eastday.com

Support  Dept
Supporea at eastday.com

Thank. you for  saih-promo2002 at lists.copyleft.no.
Not. again:  DAtrill at Aol.com

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