[saih-promo2002] There has been quite a discussion about this point in the Computer Language Forum of CompuServe.
Abodi Buist
Buistunah at mdacontrols.com
Sat Aug 11 14:30:12 CEST 2007
H-u_g e N+e.w-s To Impac+t C+Y,T*V
Chi*na YouT,V C.o*r-p,.
Sy_mbol: C'Y*T+V
We h.a v+e al ready s'e e-n CY'TV's mark et imp.act bef+ore cl_im'bing to o'v-e,r $2.'00 w_i_t'h n.e w*s,.
Pr ess Releas.e:
C*hina YouT.V's C*nBoo W,e,b S i't.e R.anks N-o..+1 on M,icrosof*t L.i_v+e Sear ch Engi_ne
CnBo o Traff ic In*cr'eases 4+9'% O.v,e+r T-w-o Mont'hs
R'e a-d t-h+e news', t,hink abo-ut t.h_e impa,ct, and
j_u+m-p on t'h'i's firs_t thi,ng T+omorr-ow m*orn'ing! $0.4'2 is a g i.f+t at t.h i.s price..+.-..
Do y'o'u r ho*mew.ork a_n*d w*atch t'h+i*s tr-ade Monda+y morn.ing.
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