[saih-promo2002] es del Relampag
pays at de-hoed.nl
Fri Dec 25 16:27:09 CET 2009
Tina* _f._ Clementine *cocinero* _m._ cook *cocotero* _m._ coconut tree
*coche* _m._ coach *codiciar* covet *codillo* _m._ codille; card term in
the game of *tresillo* or *hombre* (_French_ *hombre*, _English_
*ombre*); _in tresillo the hombre or solo player plays against two
others;_ *dar ----* defeat the solo player; _the solo player loses if
either one of the other two takes more tricks than he does_ *coger*
catch *cola* _f._ tail, train *colchon* _m._ mattress *colegiala* _f._
schoolgirl *colegio* _m._ school *color* _m._ color *colorado* red
*collereta* _f._ (_dim. of_ *collera*) collar *coma* _f._ comma
*combate* _m._ conflict, engagement *combustion* _f._ combustion
*comedia* _f._ comedy; *entablar la ----* stage the play; begin
operations *comenzar* commence *comer* eat *comerciante* _m._ merchant
*comercio* _m._ commerce *cometa* _f._ kite *comico* comic, comical,
humorous *comision* _f._ commission *como* as; how; like *como*
_interrog._ how; *de a ----* at how much *comodidad* _f._ comfort
*comodo* comfortable *compadecer* feel sorry for *companera* _f._
companion, mate *compania* _f._ company *compartir* share *compasion*
_f._ compassion *complacerse en* take delight in *completamente*
completely *complot* _m._ plot, conspiracy *composicion* _f._
composition, piece of work *comprar* buy *comprender* understand
*comprometer* bind; *----se* become engaged to marry *compromiso* _m._
embarrassing situation *con* with; *---- tal que* provided, provided
that *conceder* grant *concepto* _m._ opinion *conciencia* _f._
conscience *conde* _m._ count *condena* _f._ sentence *conde
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