[saih-promo2002] I informed Stires of the

Kornblatt Escribano ceramist at cticonsult.com
Sun Mar 28 09:19:45 CEST 2010

 only the neuralgia any more. It's just desire. That's what's

so terrible to me, mama. The way you have been
taking it these last months.
Just from--desire." Mrs. Samstag buried her face, shuddering down
into her hands. "Oh, God, my

own child against me!" "No, mama. Why, sweetheart, nobody knows
than I do
how sweet and good

you are when you are away--from it. We'll fight it together and win!
I'm not afraid. It's
been worse this last month
because you've been nervous, dear. I understand now. You see,
I--didn't dream of you and--Louis Latz. We'll forget--we'll take a
little two room
apartment of our own, darling, and get your mind on housekeeping and
I'll take up stenography
or social ser--" "What good am I anyway?
No good. In my own way. In my child's way. A young
man like Leo Friedlander

crazy to propose and my child can't
let him come to the point because she is afraid to
leave her mother. Oh, I know--I know more than you think
I do. Ruining your life! That's w
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