[saih-promo2002] Ers at my house to actor clients and their managers,

Plomma Coca millicycle at aandt.net
Tue Sep 28 17:02:59 CEST 2010

In important cases in which a criminal
element was involved. Thus we frequently

secured big fees in what Gottlieb was pleased to call legitimate
practice, although I am inclined
to believe that our share was small compared
with that of the civil lawyers who had retained
us. On one occasion where Gottlieb had been

thus called in, the regular attorney
of record, who happened to be a prominent churchman, came to our office
to discuss the fee that should be charged. The client was a rich man who
had sued successfully for a divorce. "How much, Mr. Gottlieb," inquired
the attorney, stroking his chin, "do you think would be a fair amount to
ask for our services?" My partner hesitated for a moment and mentally
reviewed the length of time of the case--a very simple one--had
occupied. "Do you think five
thousand dollars would be too much?" he finally asked with some
hesitation. "Five!"

cried the lawyer in astonishment. "It should be twenty thousand--at the
least!" It is not my intention to give a history of the firm of Gottlieb
& Quibble, but rather

a general description
of the work
of any criminal law office. Its object is precisely the same as that of
the best offices where civil law is practised--that is, to make money

out of the client. But inasmuch a
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