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<td width="494" valign="top"><br> <strong><font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">BECOME
100% ANONYMOUS ONLINE!</font></strong><br> </td>
<td width="2"></td>
<td height="622"> </td>
<td valign="top"><span class="text"><strong>Did you know…</strong></span>
<p class="text">Everytime you log on to any website, your details are logged
and stored for an indefinite amount of time. This happens AUTOMATICALLY
without you having to enter ANYTHING into the website!<br>
Everytime you log on to any website from work, your activity is monitored
and your boss ALWAYS knows which websites you have viewed. This usually
happens as a “hush-hush” company policy that only the people
high-up know about. </p>
<p class="text"><strong>What details are recorded by websites you visit
and what does your boss see…<br>
</strong>Your unique IP address that will forever identify you as the
person who viewed a website! Even when you send emails from hotmail and
yahoo accounts, you can be pin-pointed by anyone using your unique IP
address. <br>
Your web-browser information that gives details out about your current
computer configuration. <br>
Any vulnerabilities that your computer or network could potentially have
could be scanned for and exploited by malicious website owners such as
Pornography/Hacking/sites with “alternative” content owners.
This may result in data loss, stolen credit card details and other system
intrusions. <br>
Your boss or the people responsible for compiling reports on staff see
a list of websites you have visited. Most companies have strict policies
regarding viewing work-unrelated content. This even includes checking
your hotmail and yahoo emails!!! <br>
<strong>How can HideMyself.com service help you…</strong><br>
HideMyself.com provides a way to stay 100% anonymnous from any external
internet resource you wish to access. This includes the websites your
visit, emails you send and any chat relay networks you use (YES, you can
stay 100% anonymous on IRC too!) <br>
Imagine the peace of mind… There is NO record of you going to ANY
sex-related websites, chat servers, sending emails and checking up on
your competitors websites. The potential is limitless.<br>
HideMyself.com service will ensure that what your boss (or WIFE) sees
is NOT a list of sites with “questionable” content, but ONE
address – OUR address which you are using to protect yourself from
the internet threats!!! This is what your boss (or WIFE) will actually
LIKE to hear!!! <br>
HideMyself.com is gathering interest at present time and is due to be
launched in the following months. The service is initially priced at $239/year.
Please register your interest by clicking our InterestCounter below if
you consider our service valuable to your needs. Your interest will be
recorded purely for statistical purposes.<br>
<a href="http://www.hidemyself.com/interest"><font size="4"><strong>REGISTER
YOUR INTEREST HERE! </strong></font></a></p></td>
<td height="2"></td>
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