<p>Stropus</p><p>Presenting uAuthorize Corporation UACP Market undervalued UACP</p><p>Breaking News: UACP uAuthorize Corporation Announces Global VOIP Development- This will be hot issue</p><p>Significant short term trading benefits in UACP are being expected set to explode from Monday untill Wednesday</p> <p>Watch out for it . Jump on board while this stock is
below $1</p><p>10 days target price :1.25<br> 3 Months target price :1.66</p>
<p>The company released Ground Breaking news about its VOIP division!! Although some would argue that VoIP is still maturing, corporate users are extremely interested in implementing the technology, creating exponential growth. Within the last four years, VoIP minutes increased from less than 0.5 to 2 percent of outbound international calls, according to research from TeleGeography. Additionally, predictions as to the size of the market itself vary, with Allied Business Intelligence projecting the VoIP market to grow from $3.7 billion in 2000 to $12.3 billion in 2006 and Synergy Research projecting the VoIP equipment market to grow to 13.3 billion by 2005.</p>
<p>uAuthorize Corporation is an e-business holding company that builds or acquires multiple websites, software titles, and e-commerce solutions that leverage the Internet to maximize the success of e-business operations. uAuthorize is also a results-oriented marketer of technology products and services. Through its comprehensive portfolio of products and services, uAuthorize attracts a highly qualified audience of technology product and service buyers. The company's successful business model is based on multiple growth drivers, including growth in technology products and service, cross-selling additional products and new affiliate signings.</p> <p>uAuthorize's secondary mission is to facilitate the evolution of traditional brick-and-mortar businesses into successful e-commerce companies. To accomplish this, the company has and will continue to aggressively acquire concepts and developed clickand-mortar businesses. These properties are then incubated further capitalized and developed) as a value-added method to strengthen marketability. </p> <p>Just In: NEWS Released wednesday after the close</p>
<p>uAuthorize Corporation Announces Global VOIP Development</p> <p>EDMOND, Okla., Sep 17, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- uAuthorize Corporation Pink Sheets:UACP, a global Internet marketer of business and Internet solutions,
announced today that its Internet technologies division is completing development of a global Voice-Over-IP Service aimed at multinational callers using the power of the Internet to place phone calls through its software. </p>
<p>The service, with an expected launch the end of this year, will employ multiple country Web sites in multi-language translations. The software will allow prepaid users to place calls using stand alone software or browser integrated plug-ins, and compression technology to solve latency problems that have plagued other VOIP solutions. Initial tests are scheduled to begin in the third quarter of this year and it is expected that a number of Web sites supporting the product will be launched in the United States, Australia, Russia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many more countries during 2005. </p>
<p>10 days target price :1.25<br> 3 Months target price :1.66</p>
<p><strong><font color="#006666">This Campaign Will go to over 35 publications
this week and be very heavily promoted so now is the best time to get in because it will go crazy all week, starting Tuesday. So don't miss out get UACP asap!</font></strong></p> <p>Dont omit to read this:</p>
<p>Pleas. e be advised that nothing within this em. ail shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get pos. ition in or sell any se. curity mentioned he. rein. This newsl. etter is neither a regis. tered inve, stment advisor nor affi. liated with any br. oker or dea. ler. All statements made are our ex. press opinion only and should be trea. ted as such. We m. ay own, take pos. ition and sell a. ny secu. r. ities ment. ioned at any time. This report includes fo rwa. rd lo. oking statem. ents within the meaning of The Pr. ivate Se. curities Litig. ation R. efo, rm A. ct of 1. 9. 95. This newsletter was paid 5, 00 0 from third p. arty to s. end this re. port. </p>
<p>In co. mpliance with S. ection 17 b, we disclose t. he holding o. f U. ACP
shares p. rior to the publi. cation of t. his report. Be aware of an inh. erent co. nflict of int. erest resulting from suc. h holdings du. e to our intent to pro. fit from the li. quidation of th. ese s. hares. Sh. ares may be sold at any time, even after po. sitive stat. ements have been made regar. ding the above com. pany. Since we own s. hares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our state. ments and opinions. Read. ers of this pu. blication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on for. ward-looking st. atem, ents, which are ba. sed on certain assumptions and expe. ctations involving various r. isks and uncertainties, that could cause results to differ mate. rially from those set fo. rth in the forw. ard- lo. oking state. ments. </p>