<p>Sturdevant Sun, 24 Oct 2004 18:26:02 -0700</p><p><font color="#0099FF"><strong>***ARMM***ARMM***ARMM***ARMM***ARMM***ARMM </strong></font></p><p>Hot New Issue - merican Resource Management, Inc. - TICKER: ARMM</p><p><font color="#0099FF"><strong>ARMM -- Set to explode Monday Morning - Hot stock in a hot space</strong></font></p>
<p><strong><font color="#0099FF">Opening-Price:0.06<br>Near-term_target:0.50<br>Long-term_target:0.60</font></strong></p>
<p> Breaking News for ARMM - American Resource Management, Inc.</p><p> ARMM-launch new service (EffHVAC) </p><p>Efficiency Technologies, Inc.'s New Centrifugal Chiller Efficiency and Management Tool <br>Can Help Save Industry Billions in Energy Costs</p><p> How many times have you seen good stocks but you couldn't get your hands<br>on them in the right moment? We are alerting you to a special company<br>with a unique product that is set to be profiled by many newsletters in<br>the next 5-10 days -- this is your chance to get in!</p><p align="center"> <font color="#000033"><strong><font color="#6699FF">BIG PROFITS EXPECTED IN THIS ONE MONDAY! </font></strong></font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#6699FF"><strong>ALL TECHNICAL INDICATORS SAY -
BUY ARMM @ up to 35 cents!</strong></font></p><p align="center"><font color="#6699FF"><strong>DON'T DELAY GET ARMM...AT OPENING MONDAY MORNING!</strong></font></p><p><br>cove I.nformation wi.thin this email con. tains forwa. rdlook. ing sta. tements within the meaning of s. ect, ion 2, 7A of the Se, curities Ac, t of 19. 3. 3 and Sec.tion 21. B of the S. ec. urit. ies E. xchange. Ac.t of 19. 34. A. ny st.a tements t.hat express or involve discuss, ions with re, spect to pred. ictions, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact. 985)}726L6QnnQxf5939nwJ674f1B3wm6 montenegro<br>
<BR>shiftless radio tehran f include</p>