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<br>Not only had every outside door its electric bell, but every window was
fitted with a burglar alarm; moreover no one could cross the threshold of
any interior room without registering the fact in Rob's workshop
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no more feature</a>
<br>The lights from the lanterns dimly showed the way, but it was a gloomy
journey, and they were pleased when a broad streak of light ahead assured
them they were coming to a second landing<br>Here one side of the mountain
had a great hole in it, like the mouth of a cavern, and the stairs stopped
at the near edge of the floor and commenced ascending again at the opposite
edge The gas was lighted by an electric fob; a chime, connected with an
erratic clock in the boy's room, woke the servants at all hours of the night
and caused the cook to give warning; a bell rang whenever the postman
dropped a letter into the box; there were bells, bells, bells everywhere,
ringing at the right time, the wrong time and all the time
And there were telephones in the different rooms, too, through which Rob
could call up the different members of the family just when they did not
wish to be disturbed