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<br>His mother and sisters soon came to vote the boy's scientific craze a
nuisance; but his father was delighted with these evidences of Rob's skill
as an electrician, and insisted that he be allowed perfect freedom in
carrying out his ideas
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<br>Jim was brought with the others, although it took a good many Gargoyles
to carry the big beast through the air and land him on the high platform,
and the buggy was thrust in after him because it belonged to the party and
the wooden folks had no idea what it was used for or whether it was alive or
not<br>When Eureka's captor had thrown the kitten after the others the last
Gargoyle silently disappeared, leaving our friends to breathe freely once
more Rob's storage batteries are not powerful enough to electrocute one or
set the house on fire
Do give the boy a chance, Belinda