<a href="http://yg.pharmacyplazagentle.com"><img src="http://fotozrzut.pl/zdjecia/0a1f6dca59.gif">
What are the stream conditions (and snow conditions if applicable) in the
Hetch Hetchy area? I plan to walk in to Rancheria Creek on Thursday
6/7. Are all the bridges usable? Is there any snow at these elevations?
Mike Anderson Silicon Graphics, Inc. Mountain View, CA 415 390-3437
Well, there is one more task for Aiers, CMK and similar companies . As
new 1/48 Tamiya Do-335 A-0/A-1 has no engine, I hope that someone will
produce DB 603A-2 for that , oh, soooo loooong awaited kit.
So, let's wait and see. No, Tamiya's Pfeil is no longer rummor only.
Trust me .
You should watch closely Nuremberg Toy Fair 2000 reports.
Stay tuned !
What do you guys think?
Majiin - version²°°³
"We have the best players, and I'm sorry if I'm arrogant, but now we have a
top manager too" (Jose Mourinho)
Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, von wem dieses Lied ist und welchen Titel es
Vielen Dank und Gruß
kind regards
Ken Follett
Night Over Water
Morrow, New York, 1991, First edition, 399 pages. Cover beige boards with
black cloth spine, dust jacket, maps on endpapers. Skyborne peril and
dangerous liaisons on the last flight of the Flying Clipper.
Auction ends 8/31/99.
Pupillary dilation from 3 to 7 mm in post-refractive surgery patients
found to cause 28- to 46-fold increase in aberrations!
Just in case any of you large pupil patients were still wondering why
your vision is not so great....
American Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 127, Issue 1 , January 1999, Pages 1-7
Comparison of corneal wavefront aberrations after photorefractive
keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis.
Oshika T, Klyce SD, Applegate RA, Howland HC, El Danasoury MA.
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Tokyo School of Medicine,
Japan. oshika-...@umin.ac.jp
PURPOSE: To compare changes in the corneal wavefront aberrations after
photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis. METHODS:
In a prospective randomized study, 22 patients with bilateral myopia
received photorefractive keratectomy on one eye and laser in situ
keratomileusis on the other eye. The procedure assigned to each eye and
the sequence of surgery for each patient were randomized. Corneal
topography measurements were performed preoperatively, 2 and 6 weeks,
3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. The data were used to calculate the
wavefront aberrations of the cornea for both small (3-mm) and large
(7-mm) pupils.
RESULTS: Both photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ
keratomileusis significantly increased the total wavefront aberrations
for 3- and 7-mm pupils, and values did not return to the preoperative
level throughout the 12-month follow-up period. For a 3-mm pupil, there
was no statistically significant difference between photorefractive
keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis at any postoperative
point. For a 7-mm pupil, the post-laser in situ keratomileusis eyes
exhibited significantly larger total aberrations than the
post-photorefractive keratectomy eyes, where a significant intergroup
difference was observed for spherical-like aberration, but not for
coma-like aberration. This discrepancy seemed to be attributable to the
smaller transition zone of the laser ablation in the laser in situ
keratomileusis procedure. Before surgery, simulated pupillary dilation
from 3 to 7 mm caused a five- to six-fold increase in the total
aberrations. After surgery, the same dilation resulted in a 25- to
32-fold increase in the photorefractive keratectomy group and a 28- to
46-fold increase in the laser in situ keratomileusis group. For a 3-mm
pupil, the proportion of coma-like aberration increased after both
photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis. For a
7-mm pupil, coma-like aberration was dominant before surgery, but
spherical-like aberration became dominant postoperatively.
CONCLUSIONS: Both photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ
keratomileusis increase the wavefront aberrations of the cornea and
change the relative contribution of coma- and spherical-like
aberrations. For a large pupil, laser in situ keratomileusis induces
more spherical aberrations than photorefractive keratectomy. This
finding could be attributable to the smaller transition zone of the
laser ablation in the laser in situ keratomileusis procedure.
ciao, se ti puo' interessare a Trieste abbiamo da poco aperto una =
bacheca per futuri prof (frequentanti la tanto odiata ssiss) e per =
insegnanti gia' "consolidati".. non ha un taglio politico ed e' aperta a =
tutti.. se ti va d'intervenire l'indirizzo e' il seguente:
la bacheca e' ospitata dalla rivista www.interware.it/tsr=20
se poi fai un giro dimmi le tue impressioni.. grazie, claudia :-))
Hallo Josef,
habe gerade Kanal 66 gescannt, der ja als Testkanal ab heute in Aktion
treten sollte.
Ich empfange 5 Senderkennungen, allerdings kommt nur der h=FCbsche Fisch
samt Musik (ich nehme an den meintest Du) unter der Senderkennung
Empfang in der Westendstr. mit Zimmerantenne ist wie erwartet
einwandfrei, obwohl die Wohnung nach S=FCden, also vom Sender weg,
Anbei noch der detaillierte Bayern-Funkbereich f=FCr DVB-T, falls noch
nicht bekannt:
Gruss, Roland
-2- Merci désormais d'aller déverser votre bile et vos rancoeurs sur
d'autres forums, sans quoi vos dérapages (tels que celui qui précède)
pourraient vous valoir quelques déconvenues.
-3- Néanmoins, ce sera toujours avec plaisir que nous accueillerons vos
contributions constructives sur le théâtre, tous genres confondus.
Configuration Information:
Version: 4.0
I have received the same message as Les Fox on 6/9/98.        I updated my
virus definitions, and my system doctor detects a virus. I run all
versions of Norton Anti-Virus and get nothing.        My university's
techsupport gave me Dr. Solomon antivirus, and it detects nothing.
The landlord is bugging me about smoking, but I'm sure nothing was in
the contract.
Ricochet with Nightstick is available at the Barrie, ON TRU ($39.99
I later checked with toysrus.ca and discovered this:
Instead of Ricochet's picture, it has G1 Sunstreaker! A sign of things
to come, maybe? Ah, probably just an error...
LOCUS AF058113 303 bp DNA VRL 29-APR-1998
DEFINITION HIV-1 patient 375 from Canada, envelope glycoprotein V3 region
(env) gene, partial cds.
NID g3091018
SOURCE Human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
ORGANISM Human immunodeficiency virus type 1
Viruses; Retroid viruses; Retroviridae; Lentivirus; Primate
lentivirus group.
LOCUS AF058114 300 bp DNA VRL 29-APR-1998
DEFINITION HIV-1 patient 394 from Canada, envelope glycoprotein V3 region
(env) gene, partial cds.
NID g3091020
SOURCE Human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
ORGANISM Human immunodeficiency virus type 1
Viruses; Retroid viruses; Retroviridae; Lentivirus; Primate
lentivirus group.
Bonjour, Je travaille en ce moment à la correction du livre «les Kanjis dans la tête» pour faire la n
ouvelle impression. Si vous avez des remarques à faire à ce sujet, vous pouvez me les faire parvenir à l
'adresse suivante: kdlt chez sibee.iq.unesp.br en remplaçant le « chez » par le @. les commentaires peuvent notamment concerner les fautes de frappes, de grammaire, lourdeurs dans le texte, saynètes peu évocatrices pour retenir le sens ou l'écriture des caractères, sens dérivés non indiqués, mot-clé peu approprié. Comment faire: écrire à l'adresse indiquée ci-dessus, en spécifiant la page ou le numéro du caractère à modifier. Merci et à bientôt, faites passer ! Yves Maniette (yves chez iq.unesp.br en attendant que l'autre courriel fonctionne à nouveau).
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
(Virginia Woolf)
marilus marilus@tiscali.it wrote:
Se ti interessa puoi approfondire qui:
Current Opinion in Gastroenterology. 22(2):136-139, March 2006.
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. 8(5):562-567,
September 2005.
Do any of you know of a successful intermarriage between a Mormon and
non-Mormon Christian? I am about to be engaged, and I would love to
have someone to ask related questions of.
--== Sent via Deja.com www.deja.com/ ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
To insure that the people that have indicated they are mailing me
payments, actually GET headbands, I will now stop accepting further
orders until all current orders are filled and shipped. (Expcected
ship date is Dec 20.)
At that time if I still have a few left, I will make them availible.
If my math is correct, and USPS does not loose any, I should have 6
(My shills may now disable thier .sig's)
LOCUS HUMNLF1 2038 bp ds-DNA PRI 19-JUN-1991
DEFINITION Human nasopharynx carcinoma EBV BNLF-1 (LMP1) gene for latent
membrane protein
KEYWORDS BNLF-1 gene; latent membrane protein; transforming capacity;
transmembrane protein.
SOURCE Homo sapiens DNA.
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2038)
AUTHORS Winberg,G.
JOURNAL Unpublished (1991)
STANDARD full automatic
REFERENCE 2 (sites)
AUTHORS Hu,L.F., Zabarovsky,E.R., Chen,F., Cao,S.L., Ernberg,I., Klein,G.
and Winberg,G.
TITLE Isolation and sequencing of the EBV BNLF-1 gene (LMP1) from a
Chinese nasopharynx carcinoma
JOURNAL Unpublished (1991)
STANDARD full staff_review
COMMENT Overlaps with V01554, V01555, X00498, X00499, X00784, M58153 &
From EMBL 27 entry HBNLF1; dated 25-APR-1991.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
mRNA join(623..931,1010..1096,1173..><2032)
CDS join(664..931,1010..1096,1173..2032)
/product="latent membrane protein LMP1"
CAAT_signal 536..540
TATA_signal 592..598
exon 623..931
prim_transcript 623..><2038
exon 623..931
intron 932..1009
exon 1010..1096
exon 1010..1096
exon 1010..1096
intron 1097..1172
exon 1173..><2032
exon 1173..><2032
variation (1644.1645)..(1644.1645)
/note="15 bp deletion relative to B95-8 strain of EBV"
repeat_region 1682..1780
/note="insertion of 3x33 bp repeat"
variation (1935.1936)..(1935.1936)
/note="30 bp deletion relative to B95-8 strain of EBV"
BASE COUNT 414 a 741 c 383 g 500 t
1 cgccccctcc actttttcca ggaatgcgcc cccctcccac gccagcaagc cacagcgact
61 ttccgcgcct gcctcatgac acttgcacag cccacaccct tttcgccgga atccgccacc
121 tcattctgaa attcccatat cccccgtctg ctgcttcgtc acccgccgac ccttagccct
181 cttatccgcc tcacccgcct cccctacggt taccccacag ccttgcctca cctgaacccc
241 cctaaagcac agcctcccgc ctgccgccaa cgacctccca acgttgcgcg ccccgcgcct
301 ctttgtgcag attacactgc cgcttcccac aacactactc actccccctt gtgattgccg
361 cactgccttt ccatttcctc tgacgcttta ccaccgcatt cccacagctt gcccctcggg
421 gactcgcttt tctaacacaa acacacgctt tctacttcct cttttaacgc ttacatgcac
481 acacagcccg ctctatccgg gaaagcggcg cccgtccatc cgccggcaga ccccgcaaat
541 ccccccgggc ctccatcccc agaaacacgc gttactctct cgtaggcggc ctacataacc
601 ctctgtcact gctctgtcag cttctttcct cagttgcctt gctcctgcca cactaccctg
661 accatggaac gcgaccttga gagcgcccca cccagcgcgc cacggccccc tctaggaccc
721 cccctctcct cttccatagg ccttgctctc cttctcctgc tcttggcgct actgttctgg
781 ctgtatatcg ttatgagtga ctggactgga ggagcgctcc ttgtcctcta ttcctttgct
841 ctcatgctta ttattatcat tctcatcatc tttatcttca gaagagacct tctctgtcca
901 cttggaggcc ttggtctact cctactgatg agtaagtatt acaccctttg ccccccaccc
961 cctttccctt acgcttcctt ctctaacgta ctttctcctc tttccccagt caccctccta
1021 ctcatcgctc tctggaattt gcacggacag gcattgtacc ttggaattgt gctgttcatc
1081 tttggctgct tacttggtaa gatctaacat tccctaggac ttatttacca caccctcact
1141 ttcccaaccc taacactctt ttttcaacgc agtcttcggt atctggatct acttcttgga
1201 gattctctgg cggcttggtg ccaccctctg gcagcttttg gccttcatcc tagccttctt
1261 cctagccatc atcctgctca ttattgctct ctatctacaa caaaactggt ggactctatt
1321 ggttgatctc ctttggctcc tcctgtttat ggccatttta atctggatgt attatcatgg
1381 accacgacac actgatgaac accaccacga tgactccctc ccgcaccctc aacaagctac
1441 cgacgattct agccatgaat ctgactctaa ctccaacgag ggcagacacc acctgctcgt
1501 gagtggagcc ggcgacggac ccccactctg ctctcaaaac ctaggcgcac ctggaggtgg
1561 tcctgacaat ggcccacagg accctgacaa cactgatgac aatggcccac aggaccctga
1621 caacactgat gacaatggcc cacaggaccc tgacaacact gatgacaatg gcccacagga
1681 ccctgacaac actgatgaca atggcccaca ggaccctgac aacactgatg acaatggccc
1741 acaggaccct gacaacactg atgacaatgg cccacaggac cctgacaaca ctgatgacaa
1801 tggcccacat gacccgctgc ctcatagccc tagcgactct gctggaaatg atggaggccc
1861 tccaaatttg acggaagagg ttgcaaacaa aggaggtgac cggggcccgc cttcgatgac
1921 agacggtggc ggcggtgatc cacaccttcc tacgctgctt ttgggtactt ctggttccgg
1981 tggagatgat gacgaccccc acggcccagt tcagctaagc tactatgact aacctttc